Digging through leftover Halloween candy today I found two bite size HERSHEY bars. As I unwrapped the second one it triggered a memory from my 7th Grade symphony holiday recital. A typical event in the school gym with the parents in the bleachers suffering through our sad version of the classics. Half way through the program the director gave our parents a break to complete the World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser drawing. Oh the anticipation, I was excited just like Ralphie waiting for his Ovaltine decoder in the Christmas Story movie. The ‘Major Award’ was a One Pound Chocolate Bar. It was huge and for an eleven year old having your name drawn in any raffle was like winning the state Lottery. I never win things, not really but that night sitting there dressed up with a bunch of stinky pimple popping seventh graders and my violin, was different.
Look, Junior High was NOT fun for me. I rocked a side ponytail, bushy eyebrows and wore socks with my Birkenstocks. There were the cool kids and then there was me just trying to find a friend so I wouldn’t have to eat alone. Girls were so mean and I had a hard time with the back and forth games of the we are friends, no we are not friends. Keeping up with being hated or liked was exhausting and I dreaded all of it, every day. I’m so lucky it was before Facebook and cell phones. Pagers were a thing when I was in High School. BEEP, BEEP! Find that public phone booth!
Here is the personal treasure from The Spiritual Breadcrumb Trail of finding that HERSHEY bar in the Halloween candy. As I relived the moments leading up to when they drew the name of the student going home with the one pound World’s Finest Chocolate bar it all became very clear. I KNEW I was going to win the bar that night. Not a wish, hope or willing. I KNEW IT. Moments before they called my name I heard very clearly as I experienced the loud ‘thought’ “they are calling your name” flew through my mind, but the feeling that came with it was that deep sitting, settled KNOWING in my stomach. There was no doubt that they would call my name and then seconds later they DID! I remember as we gnawed on the giant pieces of chocolate afterwards thinking over and over again, I KNEW I was going to win the bar. I KNEW IT but, how?
Thirty years later I have that answer. It is simple really, my grandmother, Nonnie told me. I had heard her loud and clear but it came through me as a bold thought. It was the feeling that made all the difference. A surge of energy, a warming that sets in your belly. She had passed a year earlier. She was there in that moment beside me and knew that someday I would come to this spiritual understanding so I could share the brilliance of the chocolate bar and our loved ones with you. It was a powerful find for me as it reinforced that she has been here all along. I have heard her always. I’ve never been alone or unloved.
Find those moments of POWERFUL KNOWING that are already validated in your life. If you pause for a moment, you will finally acknowledge that it was them too. Our spiritual team reveals one memory, moment and treasured gift at a time on The Spiritual Breadcrumb Trail. Get started on yours. SCHEDULE A SESSION with Anjenelle.